Online Class Notes (Ally)


employee discount: sales for employees

“I’m in it for the money” – I’m doing this for the pay/salary

vibe: feel

sacrifice: 牺牲; 舍弃; 祭献; 祭祀; 祭献的牲畜; 祭品

woke up on the wrong side of the bed: 起床气
ie. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

groggy: (因疾病或疲劳而)昏昏沉沉,眩晕无力,踉踉跄跄

tanned: 皮肤晒成褐色的; 晒黑的; (adj)
ie. I want to get a tan.
ie. I don’t want to be tanned.

obsession: 痴迷; 着魔; 困扰; 使人痴迷的人(或物);
ie. Being tanned is their obsession.
ie. They’re obsessed (adj) with being tanned.
ie. She’s overly obsessive. 强迫症
ie. Stop obsessing over your hair.

poster girl: representation of sth

poster child: perfect child
ie. My brother is the poster child. (he does really well in school, really polite, doesn’t date/smoke…)

reaction: 反应



Speaking exercise

make sure they can concentrate
make sure they are engaged

she got this benefit can share with family
she got this benefit that she can share with family

my cousin told me actually the real situation, because they have lots of part-time …
my cousin told me actually because they have lots of part-time …

Chinese girls don’t really like tanning.

I ask her to join with me
I ask her to join me

her reflection on me
her reply/reaction was…