Online Class Notes (Ally)


shopping haul: when you buy lots of things at once

win them over: 把他们赢过来

generic: common <> opposite: personalised

in advance: before

premium: well known, famous, luxury

balcony: 阳台


essential: basic/necessary/important

put myself in sb’s shoes: think from their perspective

gratitude: appreciation (bigger)

Speaking exercise

My son’s birthday is coming soon, so I can choose some gifts to him.
My son’s birthday is coming up/soon, so I want to/need to choose some gifts for him.

Buying presents is basic in the business way.
Buying/Giving/Exchanging presents is essential in business.

I would think about you how to think of me.
I would put myself in the other person’s shoes to see how he thinks/ what he thinks of me.

you also need to thanks to him or her.
you also need to thank (verb) him or her./show (verb) your thanks/appreciation/gratitude(n) to him or her.

keep continue to make good relationship with him.

when you contact people.. when you don’t want to contact them.
You only contact people when you need something from them.

I will try to have appointment with some important person to have dinner
I will make some dinner appointments with important clients.

It depends on their preferences.

the value of the gifts is well-known/widely-known

they also need to prepare before when they want to give it to their friends.
they also need to be prepared for giving presents.

The people who you want to give them something, the number is not stable.
The number of people you need to buy presents for is not stable.

Less men to go to cosmetic store to buy lots of things.

Never ask them how about the affections.
I never ask them about the effects.