Online Class Notes (Ally)


protocol: 协议; 议定书; 礼仪; 外交礼节; 条约草案; (协议或条约的)附件; (数据传递的)规程; 规约 standard rule

awkward: gan ga

enthusiastic: keen

ditch: throw away
ie. Elsa, ditch the attitude.
ie. Ditch your parents because we’re going clubbing.
ie. We were ditched by another friend.

make out: kissing and kissing
ie. She was making out with another guy she found randomly in the club.

play the field: see lots of people, get to know everyone, yang yu

analogy: bi yu

pet peeves: weird preferences

on your ass: nagging
ie. My parents are on my ass about marriage.

rebound guy: replacement guy (for a guy you truly liked)

turn off: (n or v) not like anymore
ie. His smoking is such a turnoff (n)
ie. I’ m so turned off(v) by his smoking.

in hindsight/in retrospect : looking back
ie. In retrospect, he was a waste of time.

sissy: girly

vain: 虚荣

Speaking exercise

I love to hear the sound of (n = v+ing)
I love to their the sound of striking the ball./the ball against my racket and the wall.

one to two class.
one-on-two class.
we share a teacher.

It may cause compliance issues.
It’s against the regulations.

an awkward thing happened
something awkward happened

asked me to hangout for drinking
asked me out for drinks

I thought he wouldn’t bring it up
I didn’t think he would bring it up

The reason why I met him is my colleague introduced me to him
I met him through a colleague.

on May 20th