Online Class Notes (Ally)


extravagant: 奢侈的; 挥霍的; 铺张浪费的; 过于昂贵的; 无节制的; 过分的; 放肆的; 不切实际的

supervise:监督; 管理; 指导

color scheme: color group

overall: looking at the bigger picture/ whole event

bump up: 压齐; 突然增加,提高 (v)

heating system/furnace: machines to warm up the room temperature


minimalism: 极简主义

minimum/maximum: smallest and biggest

spoiler: spoil the movie
ie. spoiler alert!

spoil/ruin:破坏; 搞坏; 糟蹋; destroying something that’s good

spoiled brat: 宠坏的孩子

phony: 伪造的; 假的; 虚伪的; 做作的

human nature: 人性

attention span: the amount of time we can stay focused on something


should – sometimes use “need to”

let – 允许
make – make sb do sth … 使
ie. My boss let me go on the trip with him. (the trip is a good thing, I want to go)
ie. My boss made me go on the trip with him. (the trip is a bad thing, I don’t want to go, but I have to)

Speaking exercise

So I haven’t studied my English for a long time.
So I haven’t been studying my English for a long time.

The house has been the directed by the merchant.
The house comes pre-decorated by the developers.
The house comes with the developer’s decorations.
The house has already been decorated by the developers.

I like some resort style and some North Europe, I like the simple style
I like the resort style and North European/Nordic style, I like the simple style

Every different thing should find different workers to do that.
I need to find different workers for different things.

I should manage the schedule.
I need to manage the schedule.

The huge work let me so exhausted
The huge work made me so exhausted

I should insisted my opinions
I need to insist.

Everything’s I met the first time
I don’t have experience with anything. Everything is new to me.

I just random to watch it
I just watch it randomly.

In the Tiktok, I followed a more officially channels in that.
On TikTok, I follow more official (adj) channels.

This game is something about human nature … is than what’s expect to me
The show is about human nature, which is more than I expected.

I can’t stop to watch it ..
I can’t stop watching it.