F2F Class Notes 23rd February (Harmony)

another urgencyanother urgent thing

University:  education after high school.

ex:  My major in University is law.

lacking:  going without, or not having enough of something. 

ex:  I think I am lacking in exercise.

colleague (kol – eeg) 

I come to the company for not very long timeI am still new to the company

any tough works – any hard tasks

undergraduate:  a university student that has their bachelors degree.

ex:  I am an undergraduate from Shanghai.

regulations:   the law or rule set out by an authority. 

ex:  A company has their own regulations about how to manage the workers.

intermediaries (inter – meed – e – aries):  an agency or a go-between for providing a service. 

ex:  Willis is an intermediary company.

industries (in – dust – trees)

rival: is a competitor, or an enemy.

ex:  I want to be a rival in our territory. 

unrivalled:  there are no competitors, they are the best.  They are excellent.

ex:  Willis’ goal is to be an unrivalled intermediary company. 

expertise (ex – per – tease)

customized (cus – tum – eyzd):  designed for someones specific needs. 

ex:  Smart English’s goal is to be customized company. 

Solution:  the answer to a problem.

ex:  I came here as a good solution to improve my English skills.

Our expertise in many industries allows us to create customized solutions unique to a client’s business. Our insurance products and solutions combined with global skills enable us to provide unrivalled Services to our clients.
