F2F Class Notes_4th June (Eddie)

Homework: September, October, November and December are named after 7, 8, 9 and 10. Why are they then not the 7th, the 8th, the 9th and the 10th month of the year?

Vitamin C

it will happen some allergyit will cause an allergic reaction

to diagnose – to establish and name the problem, usually a medical problem

wool – the hair on sheep

five days didn’t comeI didn’t come for five days

E.g.     I did’t wake up for six hours. = I slept for six hours.
I didn’t eat for three days. = I had no food for three days.

nothing remarkable / special / outstanding / different / exciting
dull / boring / tedious / monotonous /

mono = 1  (monorail)
bi        = 2 (binoculars)
tri       =  3 (tripartite agreement)
quad   = 4 (quad bike, quad core)
quint   = 5 (quintuplets)

big =/= small
tall =/= short
fat =/= slim
exciting =/= dull