F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


I should be off by 6.    (maybe before, no later)

I should get off at 6.    (at 6. probably not before)

I should have been/gotten off.   (It’s 7, and you’re not off)

I should’ve been off 2 hours ago, but I have to deal with some paperwork.

How much overtime did you work this week? I worked 10 hours overtime this week.

I didn’t calculate how many hours overtime I worked.

I don’t know how many applications I have filled out, but I still have no interviews.

I don’t know how many applications I have filled out, but no one contacted me

I have made phone calls to many companies, but I still have no interviews.

overtime – any work more than 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a week.

eg: I had to work 2 hours overtime last night.

eg: I had 10 hours of overtime this week.


Switching Out Clauses in a Sentence:

I don’t know how many applications I have filled out, but I still have no interviews.

Do you know how many applications I have filled out.

How many applications have you filled out?

I don’t know how many applications I have filled out, but no one contacted me

I have made phone calls to many companies, but I still have no interviews.

If you are a fan of Lady Gaga or the National Basketball Association, you may have heard about an old piece of exercise equipment that is making a comeback.

If you are a fan of Lady Gaga or the National Basketball Association, you may buy some cds or some sports shoes before they become famous.

  If you ask a celebrity to help you buy exercise equipment    ,you may have heard about an old piece of exercise equipment that is making a comeback.

He/She/It :         has/      eats/ walks/ works

Does He/She/It :   have     eat/walk/work

Writing exercise

Recently, someone’s the retweet record was more than TV show host Ellen, who is called Wilkerson. He asked the amount of retweeting for a year of chicken nuggets to the boss of fast food restaurant. However, the boss said if he could retweet 18 million, he could get free chicken nuggets for a year.
After he posted the news on Twitter, it was attracted by celebrity, the famous like actors, sports starts and politicians, and they appealed their fans to retweet this message. Under the famous’ help, the record was easy to get the requirement. The boss not only carried out his promise, but also gave the Dave Thomas Foundation $100,000 as a reward.

Recently, someone‘s retweet record surpassed TV show host Ellen, who previously held the record. His name is Wilkerson, and he asked “how many retweets for a year of chicken nuggets?” to the boss of fast food restaurant Wendy‘s. The boss said if he could get 18 million, retweets N. , he could get free chicken nuggets for a year.
After he posted the news on Twitter, it attracted celebrities, famous actors, sports stars and politicians, and they appealed to their fans to retweet this message. With famous people‘s help, the record was easily surpassed. The boss not only carried out his promise, but also gave the Dave Thomas Foundation $100,000 as a reward.


record N. – Reh Kerd

record V. – Ree Kord