F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


Write two sentences for each new vocabulary word.


Write a story with all the new vocabulary words.


I work in IT

I don’t know why, but I think they’re not foreigners

how do you spell that?

Where is your hometown?

My hometown is Yangzhou.

once time

I go there once or twice year.

hub – a central place for many things to connect

eg: I will meet you at Hongqiao transportation hub.

eg: I use github really often.

eg: I use github fairly often. ( not too often)

founded – when a company starts

eg: It was founded in 2003.

founder – the person who started it

eg: The founder of toplist is Wang Chen.

diverse – different from each other

eg: When I was in high school, I had a diverse group of friends. One guy was Mexican, the other was Chinese, and Hawaiian, and Black (African American)

eg: China is very diverse because there are many interesting things in our culture.

ethnicity – the DNA background of people

eg: The majority ethnicity in China is the Han ethnicity.


Can you do coding for android?

Yes, I‘ve done it for a year.

I my favorite youtube channel is Coach Shane.

Are – for countable things

eg: There are five cars on the road.

eg: There is some water on the table.

eg: There are 3 drops of water on the table.

diverse – many different kinds of things



Java – jaVa

ios – Ayo ess

Writing exercise

Tim has been quitting smoking for three days, but I think he will smoke again, because he will go to Beijing tomorrow, there are air smog everywhere there. lol… Don’t get me wrong, I mean Beijing is a beautiful city, good food, nice views, kind people and different cultures. if we have healthy air, it would be better.

Tim has been quitting smoking for three days, but I think it won’t last. Because he will go to Beijing tomorrow, there is smog everywhere there. lol… Don’t get me wrong, I mean Beijing is a beautiful city, good food, nice views, kind people and diverse cultures. If Beijing had healthy air, it would be better.