F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


While I was in Canada I drank a lot of coke, then after that I came back to Shanghai I found my weight went up. (You got fat)

While I was in Canada I drank a lot of coke, after that I came back to Shanghai and realized I had gained some weight. (You got fat)

While I was in Canada I spent every day in the gym, and when I came back to Shanghai I saw that I had put on some weight.  (You got buff)

buff – big and strong

Soda – drinks with carbonation(co2) like, Coca-cola, Pepsi, 7up

eg: I don’t really drink soda.

eg: I don’t drink soda at all.

personal – private things or matters that only relate to an individual

eg: I’m sorry that’s personal. I don’t want to talk about that.

eg: You shouldn’t ask a Korean woman about their weight or age, it’s too personal for them.

alley – a small street between buildings

eg: Shanghai has lots of small alleys.

tear up – tear to small pieces, destroy it

Writing exercise

1) Wrapper
l I bought my bff’s birthday gift then selected its wrapper.
l Japanese products are so cute and even the wrappers are very cute.
2) Squeamish
l I am terrible squeamish, so usually I don’t watch horror movies.
l I was squeamish when I went into the hospital emergency to see my friend.
3) Shred
l I shred chicken meat with hand for cooking chicken conge.
l He shred the illegal documents before the police arrived.
4) Tear
l She cried and tore a rejection letter from new company.
l She almost tore that cloth she made by when it didn’t passed to test.

1) Wrapper
l I bought my best friend’s birthday gift then picked wrapping paper.
l Japanese products are so cute and even the packaging is very cute.
2) Squeamish
l I am terribly squeamish, so usually I don’t watch horror movies.
l I was squeamish when I went into the hospital emergency room(E.R.) to see my friend.
3) Shred
l I shredded chicken meat by hand to cook chicken congee.
l He shredded the illegal documents before the police arrived.
4) Tear
l She cried and tore up a rejection letter from a new company.
l She almost tore that clothing she designed when it didn’t pass the test.