F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]

NEXT CLASS: Travel Problems


I had some waffles for lunch

1,2,3 and 4

I ate waffles, eggs, bacon and toast.

I will ride a bike as long as you teach me. (If I don’t teach you, you will not ride the bike)

I will do this IF you do something.

I will work there so long as they pay me well

we have separate savings.

I’m striving to become rich.

I’m really striving to improve my English.(Goal, not the action)

I want to learn to speak English very well after that I will learn to speak German.

I want to speak English well, then German.

Writing exercise

So long as

So long as we usually get some health foods and keep doing some exercise or get a good sleep you’ll live a long time.
what’s the point
If in our lives have a few adventures I think it’s very interesting that what’s the point .
To be worth sth
What is worth having is that I am very lucky to meet my husband

So long as/ As long as

So long as we usually eat some healthy food, keep doing some exercise and get a good sleep you’ll live a long time.

what’s the point

If in our lives we have a few adventures I think it’s very interesting that’s the point .

What’s the point of living life without a few adventures?

To be worth sth

What is worth having is that I am very lucky that I met my husband.