F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


Make these sentences longer.


Connecting words:   That, Which, Who, Where

I have a dog which is so cute.

I know a guy who lives in Shanghai.

There is a place in Shanghai where you can find vintage clothing.

There was a time when we didn’t have phones.

EXAMPLE: I have a friend who loves tofu.

LONGER:    I once had a good friend who really loved stinky tofu so much that his girlfriend broke up with him.


the best and the biggest

Can you find out which country your watch was made in?

find out – find the answer, reason, cause, origin



Connecting words:   That, Which, Who, Where

I have a dog which is so cute

I know a guy who lives in Shanghai.

There is a place in Shanghai where you can find vintage clothing.

There was a time when we didn’t have phones.

I go there to swim.     Part 1.     I go.              Part 2. Swim

What time did you get off work?

I got off at 6.

What time do you usually get off?

I get off at 6.

Simple Present Tense – when we want to say something is always or usually

I eat dinner at 6.

I ate dinner at 9.

Writing exercise

I log into my se account three times a week basically. One is at the beginning of the week to book two classes and the other two are taking notes in my notebook after each class.
When I want to get on the se website, the first step I do is open the se website from the favorites and log into my account. Then, click on the members button, find out my profiles on the next web page. Check in and I can look at the content of each class which is convenient for me to review later. Booking a class is also on that web page. Click on the book button which is beside the profile button, choose the time and the teacher I like, press the confirm button and that’s it.

I log in to my se account three times a week basically. Once is at the beginning of the week to book two classes and the other two times are to take/for taking notes in my notebook after each class.
When I want to get on the se website, the first step I do is open it from my favorites and log in to my account. Then, click on the members button and find my profile on the next web page. I check in and I can look at the content of each class which is convenient for me to review later. Booking a class is also on that page. If you click on the book button which is beside the profile button you can choose the time and teacher you like, then press the confirm button and that’s it.