F2F Class Notes (Tony) [ S] [W]


It’s an internet company.

What? they provide internet service?

It’s an internet online company. They sell furniture, and have a showroom. It’s at the tallest/highest building in Shanghai.

specify (V.) – tell us which one, how many,

eg: You need to specify when you speak English. You can’t just say. I will go to store. We wanna know which store… the store, a store, your store, the candy store…

Speaking exercise

I just change a new job and my first working day in last Tuesday. My main task is focus on sourcing and new product development. So my new company is focus on house furniture, my company owner is cooperate with electric car company. And they have money we have resource, we have product, we work together to build a new local brand. so this is a new company still in setup process. so there are are around 50 person now.

I just got a new job and my first working day was last Tuesday. My main task is to focus on sourcing and new product development. So my new company is focused on home furniture, my company owner is cooperating with an electric car company. And they have capital we have resources, and products, we are working together to build a new local brand. So this is a new company still in the setup process. There are around 50 people now.

Writing exercise

Dear Tony

Today is not good because the holiday just passed, we hope we always be in the holiday, hahaha

Today I want to talk about post-holiday syndrome, everyone enjoys the holiday time since we can do everything we like and sleep at any time if you want during this time. When we realize that the change back to a normal routine is disruptive. And we can only ease your back into it.

I have discussed my co-workers about the feeling of first working day after this holiday, most people didn’t ready to go work very well. How to reduce this gap of feeling between working day and holiday? It’s worth thinking more for further.

Maybe the detail further plans can help to improve this feeling, since you have clearly plans to know what will do for you.


Dear Tony

Today is not good because the holiday is gone, we hope we are always on holiday, hahaha

Today I want to talk about post-holiday syndrome, everyone enjoys the holiday time since we can do everything we like and sleep at any time you want during this time. When we realize that the change back to a normal routine is disruptive we don’t wanna go back. And we can only ease back into it.

I have discussed with my co-workers about the feeling of the first working day, most people aren’t really ready to go back to work. How to reduce the anxiety of this transition between working days and holidays? It’s worth considering.

Maybe a more detailed plan can help with this feeling, since you have clear plans.



15 –   NNN

50 – EEE

an electric – Anna Lek Trik

co-operating – (Koh Wop) Ke Wahh Perrating