F2F Class Notes (Tony) [S]


Explain a challenging situation you had to overcome

  1. Why was it challenging?
  2. How did you overcome it?
  3. Did you want to quit?
  4. What kept you going?


lose track of time / keep track of time

center of gravity – where all your weight is, in the middle

eg: If you ever try skateboarding, make sure you keep your center of gravity above your feet.

humid (adj) – a place with a lot of water in the air

eg: Shanghai is a humid place, it always feels wet.

humidifier (N) – a machine the adds humidity to a room

eg: We have a humidifier in our room.

purifier – a machine that is used for removing dirty or harmful substances

eg: Do you have an air purifier?

carried away – you start doing something, then you don’t pay attention and maybe do too much, or too long

eg: He got carried away and played basketball for 6 hours. He was late to work.

eg: When I was in middle school I got carried away and did my homework for hours. I lost track of time, and went to sleep too late.

Fei Qing Wang Shi – waste sleep forget food – When you do something that you’re interested in, you forget to sleep and eat.

No Pain No Gain – you must hurt a little, to grow or gain something, especially for exercise

Speaking exercise

In what way are you strong?

Example: I am not physically strong, I can not lift a car. But I will never quit if I have some work to do.

If I decide to do something I’m stick to do it, not quit. When my first boyfriend leave me I’m very strong to face this situation and say goodbye.

– If I decide to do something I’m sticking to do it, not quitting. I have a lot of heart. I’m also mentally strong, when my first boyfriend left me I was very strong to face this situation and say goodbye. Even though I was angry I didn’t yell at him.