F2F Class Notes (Tony) [S]

About Elena,


Travels about 2 to 4 times a year

don’t speak much English at work

Next Class Focus

Practice Prepositions:


in my childhood I lived there / I grew up there.

maintain my feeling about English – keep practicing English / make sure my English doesn’t get rusty

Literal or Figurative

(L) Rusty – oxidized metal,  that has become brown and started breaking from being around water.

(F) Rusty – out of practice, after some practice this skill will get back to its original level.

eg: Is that the figurative meaning?

eg: My tennis is very rusty.
(F)  I haven’t played in a long time.

eg: His driving is really rusty.
(F) After a while he will get back to normal.

eg: That way to go is very rusty.
(F)  (L) The bridge is pretty dangerous, so be careful. There is a lot of rust on the bridge.

Speaking exercise

You know that I have a kid, mty son 1.5 years old. I bought him a tool, a big one that you can climb to top and foo, up and down. yesterday it arrived and I asked him to play it, actually he a little bit scared, but I think he pretend to be funny because everyone in the family are encouraging him from up to the bottom, and after that he just smile, but its kind of an embarrassing smile so I took a video, for the whole from the start to the end. So everytime I watched the video its really funny.

You know that I have a kid, my son who’s one and a half years old. I ordered him a toy, a big one that you can climb to the top and slide down, up and down. Yesterday it arrived and I asked him to play with it, actually he was a little bit scared, but I think he pretended to be happy because everyone in the family was encouraging him to slide down, he did and after that he just smiled, but its kind of an embarrassing smile so I took a video from the start to end. So everytime I watch the video its really funny.


tried class – demo class / trial(adj) class


T   “Sound”


Don’t    DON TUH


Don – Daww N

Donna – Daw Na

Carlotta – (AMERICAN WAY) Car lodda –  (ITALIAN WAY)  Car Lot Ta