F2F Class Notes (Tony) [S]


Quantum Computing:

IBM Q is an industry-first initiative to build commercially available universal quantum computers for business and science. While technologies like AI can find patterns buried in vast amounts of existing data, quantum computers will deliver solutions to important problems where patterns cannot be found and the number of possibilities that you need to explore to get to the answer are too enormous ever to be processed by classical computers. We invite you join us in exploring what might be possible with this new and vastly different approach to computing.

Summarize this writing for the next class. Give a speaking presentation about the topic.

Speaking exercise

This was the third time people beat computer. last two times, people lose, And AlphaGo won that game. The man is the international champion of the game GO. Before the third time contest, lots of people said people would lose again. The man have enough confidence and he want to try again. Actually there are three rounds for the whole game, the second round the ability of the computer and the man is similar. But finally Alphago won again. I saw a news that yesterday or today the people who is the go champions made  a team by themselves and contest with alphago, but the conclusion alphago won again. so this is one VS. 5 game. and we can see the change maybe the computer can be instead of people in some areas. for example calculating.

This was the third time that human beings beat A.I. at a game called “Go” . The last two times, people lost, And AlphaGo won those games. This time the international champion of the game beat the machine again. Before the third contest, lots of people said humans will lose again. However, the man has enough confidence and he wants to try again. Actually there are three rounds for the whole game, during the middle of the second round the computer and the man were matched. But finally Alphago won again. I saw some news yesterday that the go champions made  a team by themselves and challenged Alphago, but the result was that Alphago won yet another time. so this is a one versus 5 game. and we can see the possibility of computers can take over for humans, whether for better or worse.

lots of jobs will be done by machines, instead of people