F2F Class Notes (Tony) [S]


I like being busy, because I like my job.

Although there‘s much work, I enjoy doing it

it will get/become red

my skin is sensitive

I’m a little forgetful, I forget things easily

schedule – list of things done at all times.

eg: I have to plan all the activities for the event.  I have to make the event schedule.

Speaking exercise

the day after tomorrow, my company will have a briefing product. So I have much work to do but I have many nice colleagues, they will help me when I met difficulties. Although I have to spend much time to finish them. But I like them because I like this job. I’m a designer so I design posters.

The day after tomorrow my company will have a product briefing. So I have a lot of work to do but I have many helpful colleagues, they will assist me when I have some problems. Although I have to spend much time to finish my work, I like it because this is a good job. I’m a designer so I design posters, and I will make the program for the event activities, the day after tomorrow. 


ADJ. Adjective,

Product N.

Briefing N.    Fa bu hui

stomach N.

problem. N.    I have a stomach problem, I’m hungry.

Is it a kind of/type of product?    _____ product.

Is it a kind of/type of briefing?  _______ briefing.      tomorrow we have a product (ADJ.)  briefing (N.)

Coffee N.

Cup  N.

A cup coffee.     a cup of coffee.

A coffee (ADJ.) cup. (N.)


product – Prah-dukt

event -ee VenT

yvonne – ee Vahn

Next Class:   Software.    Adobe.   AI, AE, PS,  3dMax, Maya, Fusion, Indesign.