F2F Class Notes (Tony) [S]


Wisdom (ADJ.) teeth – the large teeth in the back of your mouth that come in when you are older.


Wisdom (N.) – knowledge that you have gained over many years.

eg: He has a lot of wisdom.

Wise (ADJ.) –

eg: He is very wise.

Brace (V.) (N.) – to support or hold in place.

eg: She hurt her neck, so she is wearing a neck brace.

eg: He had to wear leg braces because he was in a bad car accident.

eg: She got braces and now she looks like she is 16.

eg: I have to wear a retainer after I get my braces off.

deep – not superficial; profound:

eg: I was having deep thoughts.

eg: Let’s do a deep search for that document online.

eg: We have many deep conversations together.

Speaking exercise

I like to do many kind of interesting things with my friends. But the most of the things is chatting. You know we are girls. So we prefer to go to the nice place to have tea time or dinner. For example, if my friend finds a wonderful restaurant when she wants to go she will invite me, then we go there together and gossip there all the day. also if I find a beauty salon I would tell my friend to go there together. Then we are chatting while enjoy beauty salon. In conclusion chatting is the best thing what I love with my friends.

I like to do many kinds of interesting things with my friends. But the most interesting(ADJ) thing (N.) we do is chatting. You know we are girls, so we prefer to go to a nice place to have tea time or dinner. For example, if my friend finds a wonderful restaurant that she wants to go to, she will invite me. Then we go together and gossip there all the day. Also if I find a beauty salon I will tell my friend we should go there together. Then we are chatting while enjoying the beauty salon. In conclusion chatting is the best thing that I love to do with my friends.


The biggest cat, in the world.

The longest bridge in China.

The most beautiful mountain.

The most wise (OK) / The wisest (Correct)  (Some Grammar Mistakes Are Not A Problem)

A bigger car.

Let’s go to a more beautiful lake. This lake is ugly.

We will do it together,   We’ll go together        He will together  (What??? With Who?)

She will do it with me,    She’ll go with me         She will go with me together.  (Chinglish)