F2F Class Notes (Tony) [R] [S]


there are few stations to charge electric cars.

How do you pronounce your name?

It’s pronounced

abandoned – left alone, all other people leave it there

eg: Sadly the baby was abandoned. But at least it was at a hospital.

eg: They abandoned the project.



Speaking exercise

Do you think the Apple 1984 commercial was effective when they showed it in 1983? Do you think it would be effective today?

I think it was effective in 1983, of course it’s the first time people saw an AD showed very impactive. Which is very different o other commercial ads. Cuz the first one did a new thing, others will feel very interested. I think it wasn’t effective to apple, but for the whole environment. I’s a very surprising video, and you will feel shocked. But just like you said it’s a logo. Seldom people knew it’s apple.

No, I don’t think it would be effective today. Cuz more than 10 years passed There are lots of similar ads currently. so I don’t think people will attract by this kind of ad. Apple the first one did that, but other advertiser tried to do the similar ads after 1983. So maybe people would be very interested in this kind of film, maybe in 1990 or even 2000, but it’s already ten years later.

I think it was effective in 1983, of course it’s the first time people saw an AD with that  kind of impact. Which was very different from other commercials. Because they were the first ones to do a new thing, so others will feel very interested. I think it wasn’t effective for apple, but for the whole industry. It’s a very surprising video, and you will feel shocked. But just like you said it’s just a logo. Few people knew it was apple.

No, I don’t think it would be effective today. Because more than 10 years have passed There are lots of similar ads currently. So I don’t think people will be attracted by this kind of ad. Apple was the first one to do that, but other advertisers tried to make similar ads after 1983. So maybe people would be very interested in this kind of film, maybe in 1990 or even 2000, but it’s already ten years later. So it’s too late for it to be effective.