F2F Class Notes (Tony) [R]




have an effect

Vitamins – A,B,C,D,      B12, B6,   E    Natural substances that are found in food, which people need to survive

eg: I can find the most vitamins in vegetables.

sexism N. – when you think one gender is better than the other

eg: Sexism is a big problem in the tech industry.

sexist (ADJ) –

nerd – a guy or girl who loves studying and computers and might be a little socially awkward

eg: There are some nerds in China who don’t get married.

downplay V. – to say something is less extreme or intense than it really is

eg: The CEO downplayed the incident, but we all knew it was a big deal.

stereotype – when people think all of a certain kind of people will be a certain way

eg: We should try to avoid stereotypes, even if they are funny sometimes.

eg: There is sometimes truth to the stereotypes.

trait – a distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one’s personal nature

politically correct – being very careful with your words, so that you don’t offend any group of people

In American politics, the left is more Liberal(Democrats), and the right is more Conservative(Republicans). Sometimes called left wing and right wing, or far left, far right.