F2F Class Notes (Tony) [R]




too – ( Chao Guo ), excessive, when there is more than you want or need.

eg: Is it too easy?  (Too much , you don’t want that much)

No, it’s not too easy. It’s just easy.

eg: If I eat one bowl of rice I’m full. If I eat two bowls of rice, it is too much.

eg: It’s too much rice for me.

eg: I ate so much pizza.

I still have more pizza, did you eat too much?

No, no, no, I can eat more.

multiple – more than one

eg: This is a multiple choice question.


eg: I’m too tired.

I’m too tired for (something) work (N.)

I’m too tired to (do what) exercise. (V.)

I’m too tired to speak English.


How do you pronounce that?

Environment – En Vire Ment

Economy – Eee Ka Nuh Mee

boy – B oi

bay – Baby  BAbY

e-bay –  Eee B ay

professional – Pruh feh, Shuh Null

professor – Pruh feh, serr

coral – Corr-Rull