F2F Class Notes (Tony) [R]


a double edged sword

human nature

Key Phrases:

a decline in usage

daily active users

exceed stockholder’s expectations

a 5% drop

willingness to believe

change the narrative

perpetual – never ending, always going

eg: Capitalism is based on the model of perpetual growth, which is inherently unsustainable.

Zuckerburg V. – to do something the way Mark Zuckerburg would do it to someone else.

eg: I started a company with my friend, and once I realized he was trying to zuckerburg me I moved on and quit helping him.

rampantgrowing quickly and in a way that is difficult to control

eg: There is rampant misinformation in American media, even coming from the president himself.

narrator – a person who tells a story

cut back – to use less, but not quit

eg: I need to cut back on pizza, I eat it every day.

suspicious – i think there is more to it, something else is happening that we didn’t hear about

eg: It’s very suspicious that Russians bought ads on Facebook.