F2F Class Notes (Tony)


in a row – all consecutive

eg: Look at those 5 ducks walking in a row, so cute.

3 day weekend – usually when a holiday or day off, is on a Monday or Friday.

eg: We have a 3 day weekend, because of Dragon Boat Festival.

sketchy – a place, situation or people that make you feel uncomfortable. Like maybe they are bad.

eg: Those people look sketchy. Let’s avoid them.

Atlantic Ocean – Between USA and Africa, Europe.

eg: There are many kinds of Sharks in the Atlantic Ocean.

Pacific Ocean – Between China and USA

eg: I’ve been swimming in the Pacific.

Look it up – to find some information, usually online, Google, Baidu

eg: I’m not sure what time that movie starts, let me look it up.
Ok, I found it. It starts at 7pm.

Look out – Be careful, Warning!, Watch out

eg: Look out, there’s a snake in that tree.

Look Out – Look out of something

eg: Look out.
What? What’s the problem!

No, no, look out the window. There is a beautiful bird.

Look out of the window.


Look it up

Look up it (Correct!, DIFFERENT MEANING)

eg: Look up the chimney, Santa is coming.

Look it out


Look around it