F2F Class Notes (Tony)



Try to recite a show that you like. Maybe need to watch it twice.

Let us know how it was.


the transaction doesn’t go through us

monopoly – when one person or group/company controls all of one resource or service

eg: We have a monopoly on overseas payment.

eg: Microsoft monopolized(V.) personal computers.

cushy – like a cushion, very soft and comfortable

eg: That is a really cushy job.

forethought – thinking about something before it happens

eg: It shows a lot of forethought to think about a career change now. You are thinking ahead.

red flag – a warning, showing that there is a huge problem

eg: The fact that there we no speaking classes is a red flag. It shows that the class focused on the wrong thing.


a 2 hours break

I will back before one

these people haven’t the energy to work hard

many new participants are trying to change our job in recent years

we don’t think the working condition is we want

communication to foreign people

a 2 hours break

I will go back before one

these people don’t have the energy to work hard

many new participants are trying to change our jobs in recent years

we don’t think the working condition is what we want

communication with foreign people

a 2 hours break

I will back before one

many new participants are trying to change our jobs in recent years

(What do you mean CHANGE your jobs? Like, make them better? or just get new jobs?)
I mean to get new jobs.

we don’t think the working conditions are what we want.


Decent – Dee Sent

Participants – Par Tis Uh Pents