F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Write about a P.C. topic in Korea.


debunk – to prove that something is false or fake

eg: There are some articles that debunk the idea that building muscles is ugly for women.

eg: Snopes.com is a great website to debunk things.

explosive – something that has an action, like a bomb, suddenly moves with a strong force

eg:Some exercises use explosive movements. But beginner’s could get hurt easily from this.

counter-intuitive – against your natural thinking

eg: Press the down button on the elevator to go up. I know it seems counter-intuitive, but that is how it was designed.

stuntsomething that is done to get attention or publicity

eg: They closed all the stores for some racial sensitivity training. But I think it was really a P.R. stunt, for them to get media attention.

eg: They said the singer and the actor got into a big fight at the airport. But really it was fake and just a  publicity stunt to get attention for their upcoming show.

P.C. – Don’t hurt anyone’s feelings, haha.  Being politically correct, which means, doing every action and saying every word, so that it does not offend ANYONE.

eg: Some traditional people don’t like P.C. culture. Because they think it forces them to stop doing things they love, like saying Merry Christmas to people.