F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Write an email service to SE:

1. Write an email similar to what you would send at work. You can even use a real email from work if you want.

2. Submit the writing to SE Email Service:

3. At the Top of your writing, please write:  MARK MISTAKES ONLY!!!


MARK MISTAKES ONLY!!! (Don’t give corrections)


Today I want to write about punctuality. It is important at my work because I am a planner. So people need to be on time at my work.

4. Before your next class, CORRECT (V.) any mistakes the teacher marked in your email service.


How do you spell…?


Famous ~ Popular, Well Known, Prestigious (well known for great things)

eg: World Cup is the most popular football tournament.

Tournament – a competition to see who is the best. Teams or players go against each other. The loser is out of the tournament.

eg: We will have a sales tournament, the sales person with the highest sales at the end will win.

show up – to arrive or come to a place

eg: He will probably not show up on time.

punctuality – being on time

eg: Punctuality is very important to German people.

eg: German people are usually very punctual. (ADJ.)