F2F Class Notes (Tony)


1. You listen to me!

2. You say what I said.

3. Change it a little.

eg: You made some progress.

I made some progress.

eg: Your grammar is much better now.

eg: My grammar is much better now.


Can you speak slower? I don’t understand.

Too much – tai duo, So much, that it is BAD!

eg: I ate too much.

eg: Don’t drink too much.

eg: That is too much money, I can’t pay it.

eg: That is not too much money, I can take it.

Not Enough – bu gou

eg: I think my salary is not enough.

A little –  yi dian

eg: I have a little pimples. (Chinglish!) I have some pimples.

eg: I’m a little hungry. (ADJ)

A few – hen shao

eg: My face has a few pimples.

(BE) Are painful

eg: My pimples are a little painful.

itchy – want to scratch

eg: My head is itchy.

eG: My leg is itchy.


I have a little tired

I feel tired.

I am tired.

I sleep 12, I get up 6:30 clock – I went to sleep at 12. (One night)

I sleep at 12. (Usually, or every day)

I ate an apple for breakfast. (One time)

I eat bananas for breakfast.  (Usually, Every day)

I ate an apple today, but I usually eat bananas.