F2F Class Notes (Tony)


has his sights set on – your target or goal is on this thing. it is what you want to hit or shoot for

eg: Andrew Yang has his sights set on the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

eg: I’ve got my sights set on a Tesla.

shoot for – something you are trying to accomplish

eg: We are shooting for a September wedding.

Democrat – the blue party in USA government

eg: Democrats are usually more open minded and liberal.

eg: Obama was a democrat.

Republican – the Red party in USA government

eg: Republicans are usually more conservative and traditional. They don’t like change as much.

eg: Trump says he is a republican, but actually he used to be a democrat.

where do you stand on… (This issue)

eg: Where do you stand on China’s one child policy? Do you think it was a good idea? Should they continue it?

eg: His stance on the one child policy was very popular, he let parents have two children again.

startup companies

documentary – a short film or show that is all real events

eg: BBC has some great documentaries.


ambassador – Amm Bass Uhh Derr

