F2F Class Notes (Tony)

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The Non-Recruiters Guide To Hiring Terms


I will meet a candidate downstairs at the coffee shop

someone is out for a meeting

he went out to get a coffee

we are (outside) waiting for him to come out

What exactly does ____ mean?

Are you from Shanghai or Shandong?

Does hot lead mean I have do more of them or do them regularly?

Actually, hot leads mean they are better and newer, and have higher potential to succeed. It’s like a hot deal at a store, everyone wants to buy that product.

Ok, I just wanted to be sure.

able (ADJ) – can (do)

eg: Are you able to pick up that desk? = Can you pick up that desk.

Jargon – Words.   that are used in specific places, or by certain people only

eg: If doctors use too much jargon, the patient will not understand them.

eg: Don’t use too much jargon with customers.

real estate – buying and selling land or buildings

eg: Some of my co-workers used to work in real estate.

Headhunter Jargon:

  • Active Candidate – Refers to someone who is actively looking for a new position. They’ve registered with a recruitment agency; they have automatic feeds coming in from job boards; and they’re definitely keen to hear about new opportunities.
  • Passive Candidate – This is someone who is happy in their current role. They are certainly not on the lookout for a new opportunity, but if they are tapped on the shoulder, they may be open to meet for a coffee. Passive candidates represent a huge, largely untapped pool of qualified workers who may fit the needs of your company perfectly. In order to reach them, adjust your hiring strategy to identify their points of concern and sell them not just on a job, but on an opportunity.
  • Job Hopper – A reference to someone who doesn’t stay at one job for a long time.
  • Transferrable Skills – Refer to a candidate’s skills that are able to be utilized in a variety of industries or across a number of different types of jobs.