F2F Class Notes (Tony)

ALL your answers should be Complete. So that people don’t need the question to understand:

Example: When is your birthday?           Today.         My birthday is Today.

Ex: Where did you buy your hat from?     Japan.          I bought my hat from Japan.


Walk to someone (Directly to them, you want to talk to them)

Walk towards someone (Walk in the same direction, but maybe not to that person, not because of them)


Are you used to the heat here?

I’m not used to the heat here.

she gave me a gift

she gave it to me

What was the latest you ever stayed there?  (Not perfect Grammar, but very common)

eg: 1am was the latest I had ever stayed at work.

What was the latest time that you had ever stayed at work? (Perfect Grammar)  (We don’t need: TIME, THAT, and HAD) (because the meaning is already there, these words don’t change it. )