F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I bought it

I have to answer these questions for the test

zhejiang Province


I like the clean air in Ningbo.

There are so many good local foods.

The people in Ningbo are very friendly/nice.


The traffic is inconvenient in Ningbo.

The malls don’t have many good brands.

They  don’t make food very spicy. but I really like spicy food. 

I lived in my hometown for 13 years.    (For, total amount of time)

I have a better comprehension (N. ability to understand it deeply) of fashion brands, because I am around them more in Shanghai.

My comprehension of fashion improved after I moved to Shanghai.

Have (some kind of ) comprehension

Have no comprehension about math.

For me, fashion IS art.

Art can help me improve my style, and my sense of aesthetics.  (ability to know what looks good)

I want to have a good fashion sense.

have to – must do something

eg: I have to study.

eg: I have to give a speaking presentation for my exam.


Thirty – Thur-dee

Thirteen – Thur TeeN

aesthetic – Az theh Tik