F2F Class Notes (Tony)



Read the article

  1. Would you go looking for his buried treasure? What would you need to do that?
  2. Do you believe him? Is his story credible?


hide their identification – hide who they are

most stereotypes are based on reality.

bury – to put something underground, or under a lot of other stuff

eg: They buried their dog in the backyard.

eg: He was buried in paperwork.

torn – past tense of Tear (V.) 1. when your can’t decide which thing you want, and have good reasons to choose both.

2. to make (a hole or opening) in a piece of clothing, a piece of paper, etc., usually by cutting it on something sharp

eg: I’m torn between using the thin curtains or the heavy dark curtains. Because I like the light coming in when I wake up, but it wakes me up too early.

eg: My pants are torn, from the bike chain.

expect – think it will happen

eg: They expect a lot of problems.

come out (of the closet) – to tell everyone that you are gay

eg: He came out and his mother was very surprised.

abuse – to use something in the wrong way, to misuse it

eg: They abuse the fact that drinks are free, so many people just order one small bread, and get lots of free drinks. They are abusing the restaurant’s policy.


He is a gay – He’s gay