F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Sorry to hear about that.

My back is hurt.

How did you hurt your back?

myself don’t know happenI don’t know what happened.

wait me one minutewait a minute

back is hurt me and you don’t meet – We didn’t meet since I hurt my back

how long you and I meetHow long has it been since we met?

I really like the cat – I really like cats

I go there every weekday.

translator – something that can translate from one language to another language.

eg: I used a translator to find it.

operation – when the doctor cuts your body

eg: I had an operation last year.

concert – when you go to watch people play music

eg: I have never seen Kris at a concert.


have three people are korea – There are three Koreans

I used the FACEU one year – I have been using that app, for a year.

I will have a cat – I will get a cat.


App –    ap   not.  A.P.P.