F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Tomorrow I will have an                    My friend introduced me to her new boss.

hangman – a game where you guess letters, to make a word, that the other person chose.

eg: Do you wanna play hangman?

worse – more bad

eg: I did worse than you, when we played that game.

interview – when you meet a new boss and they ask you questions to see if they want you to work for them.

eg: I have an interview tomorrow.

Vowels -A E I O U

eg: Every word in English has a vowel in it.

Letters – the pieces that make words in English.

eg: The word hat, has three letters. One letter is a vowel.

words – every word is made of letters, and can have many meanings

niece – sister or brother’s daughter.

eg: I can play hangman with my niece.