F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Next Class Focus

Show Prince how to use the easy worksheets on breakingnewsenglish.com

for self study at home.

answers in PDF at link on bottom.

Suggestions for learning in the future:

Remember what foreigners say: They are correct in their English, OR… it’s fine the way they say it.

Find Useful Phrases

Example:  Pick up,   put in,    send you a message.

Find how to put phrases together in sentences.


put them together

the once timethe one time card

you need to put the card in the machine, because it’s a one time card.

you have to put it in

you have to take it out

put it back in

put it back – return the thing to where you found it

prefer – to like more

eg: I prefer you to teach me.

eg: I would prefer if you taught me.

good to see you – you are happy to see this person

eg: Good to see you again Prince. It has been a few months.


How are you? (now)

eg: I’m good.

How have you been? (From the past, until now)


Estoy   /  BE

Yo soy Americano – I am American.

Tu eres Americano – You are American.

Tony: Hey Juan, if I say “Yo soy Americano.” Then I don’t really need to say YO, right? Because I used SOY, so that means YO, must be before it. Is that right? I can just say.

“SOY Americano”  ???

Juan: Yeah, because you said SOY, we know it means  “I”

It’s the same with Tu eres Americano.    You can just say. Eres Americano. And we know it means  YOU.