F2F Class Notes (Tony)


pain (N. ) –  a feeling, very uncomfortable from something

eg: My left hamstring has a little pain.

eg: I don’t have any pain in my hand.

eg: I don’t have any pain when I touch my toes.

hurt (V.) – to cause or make pain

eg: It doesn’t hurt.

eg: It hurts.

eg: My hand hurts.

eg: It hurts when I do this pose. (cross my legs)

eg: My left hamstring hurts.

eg: It has been hurting for 6 months.

eg: If I don’t stretch before I exercise, it will really hurt.

swollen (ADJ) – larger than normal, because of problem with your body

eg: A bike ran over my foot. Now my foot is very swollen, and I can’t wear a shoe on that foot.

tight – jin

eg: My muscles are really tight.

Omega 3 – help to make your body less swollen, very healthy

eg: You can find omega 3’s in most fish.

EAT, to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Salmon (San wen Yu)

Chia Seeds

Hemp Seeds

Flax Seeds and Oil


Probiotic Pills

DON’T EAT: causes inflammation, and swelling



Oily food


Red Meat


I do 2 one yoga class today

I teach one yoga class.