F2F Class Notes (Tony)


a little few lessons (number of lessons)

my company is located in LuJiaZui

Rush Hour

the only way is line 2

there’s only one way to get out of LuJiaZui

it cost my 2 hours – it took me 2 hours.

I leaned my body on the doorI leaned on the door

a lot rushed in.

Price of Streetcar or Bus in San Francisco: $2.25

Price of Subway in San FRnacisco: $1.95 minimum.


shitty (ADJ) – very bad, low quality, you don’t like

eg: Taking the rush hour subway to Minhang is pretty shitty.

lane – each part of the road, for one car

eg: There are only 4 lanes on that road, and it’s so busy.


when the street were built – when the street was built