F2F Class Notes (Tony)


How to use a Thesaurus:

(a dictionary, that gives you other words with similar meaning) (synonyms)

1. Choose the word you want to upgrade.

eg:   I have a very big dog.  / I own a very big dog.

eg: I ate a small bowl of noodles. /

tiny – very small

mini (miniature) – a smaller version of the original thing, with the same proportions.

2. Look up the word in the Thesaurus.      Thesaurus.com

3. Double check the meaning.

4. Try to replace the word in the example.

Read the article, and find the correct synonyms for any five words.



I‘m working in InnisFree

I work in InnisFree


there’s a Japanese photographer who takes pictures of lots of mini stuff

the benefits are good

company culture