Profile Update Notes Part 1 (Tony)


Write a letter to your “new boss” about how you will productively spend your time before you start the new job. So… you wanna tell your boss that you are not being lazy in your free time.

Write at least 250 words.


advertising – the industry which produces ADS.

eg: I work in advertising.

eg: I worked as admin in an advertising (ADJ) company.

calculate – to find the answer to a math problem

eg: They need to calculate the taxes.

producers – the people who are making the ads

eg: All the producers have already left, only HR and accounting are still there.

productive (ADJ) – you can finish a lot of work in a short time. not wasting time.

eg: She is a a productive worker.   /   She works productively.


if they don’t pay

my company will close (V.)

my company will be closed (ADJ.) next week

My company closed (V.) last week

Profile Update Notes:

Writing:   TBC (next time)


Before: 1.5

Now: 1.75


Before: 1.25

After: 1.5
