F2F Class Notes (Tony)


in the following (amount of time)

eg: In the following months, I’d like to go there before it’s too late, or I miss my chance.

eg: I’d like to go there soon.

envoy – like a special ambassador, to solve political problems

eg: Last year he turned down a direct meeting with the Chinese envoy, only to personally visit Beijing next year.

technically – exactly following the definition of something, but not really in your opinion

eg: Technically I went North Korea. But it was only 5 meters inside the border at the DMZ. (De-Militarized Zone)

eg: I’ve technically been to Mexico, but just the border towns, so I don’t think it’s like the real Mexico.

partnership – a deal where two groups work together

eg: Some people think that they have an unfair partnership.

monopoly – a system where one powerful group or company controls every part of one thing

eg: In the 90s Microsoft was sued for having a monopoly on computers.

eg: Some people are worried America has a monopoly on trade in southeast asia.


reject an offer

he rejected to meeting with – He rejected a meeting with the envoy

refuse to do sth.

he refused to meet with them


envoy – On Voi