F2F Class Notes (Tony)


we parking in the left lane – we were stopped in the left lane

it can contain hold 80,000 people

complex – group of buildings

eg: My complex is between Shanghai Stadium and Yishan Road.

flip an apartment – to re-do the design of the apartment, so you can sell or rent it for a higher price.

eg: My parents have flipped a few homes in their day. But they never did it as a business, they just like home improvement and moving a lot.

tenant – a person renting a room or place

eg: If you wanna flip a home, you need to have a tenant or buyer lined up.

newcomer – a person new to something / non-local

eg: Newcomers have harsh restrictions for buying a home in Shanghai, but even locals do too.

lifer – (slang) used to describe a person who will never leave their small town

eg: I grew up in PV, short for Prescott Valley, and we always made fun of the lifers there, because it’s such a small town, nobody could imagine staying there after high school.