F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Chinglish: I’m preparing my visa / I’m preparing for my visa

eg: I’m getting some papers to apply for my visa.

Apply – to use something

You should apply some sunblock, or you will get burned.

Did you apply the changes in the settings?

Apply for

I applied for 20 new jobs, hopefully I will get one.

We applied for a permit to hold a concert in the park.

2 stations from here

in effect – to start, officially, to apply changes

eg: You can get a  raise for double your salary. This raise will be in effect, January 2040.

eg: You can get a  raise for double vacation days. This raise will be in effect, January 2020.

Of course the second raise is better, because it will be in effect sooner.

call ahead – to call before you go there

skeptical – don’t believe things easily

eg: Some people just like being skeptical. For example, Flat Earthers, people who believe the Earth is actually flat.

make reservations – to reserve a table or seats or room, usually at a restaurant or hotel

queue / wait in line –

eg: We had to wait in line for 3 hours.

eg: Don’t let your friend cut in line!

eg: We were in the queue for 3 hours.

the light / the traffic light / the stop light

eg: Don’t run a red light, or the police will stop you.

eg: don’t jump the light, (In Europe) or the police will stop you.

venomous – has venom

eg:There are lots of venomous snakes near Guangxi and Yunnan province in China.