F2F Class Notes (Tony)


told with him

I’ve tried before

fry (V.)

pan fry

deep fry

(quick fry) – saute

squash – to hit sth. usually from above, and make it completely flat or destroyed

eg: Some ants were biting me, so I squashed them.

flick – to hit with the tip of your finger

eg: I flicked the ant off my arm.

gooey – very wet and sticky

eg: I tried to eat silk worms, but they were too gooey, so I spit it out.

insect – bugs, small things like ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches

eg: Actually spiders are not insects.

scorpion – an arachnid(spider) with claws in the front, and a big stinger on it’s tail.

eg: I tried a scorpion, it was very gooey and gross.  I tried to eat a second one, but I couldn’t do it.

eg: The scorpion pinched the ant with it’s claws, and stung it with it’s stinger.

Stinger (N.) – the sharp part of the BEE, that will hurt you

sting (V. ) – using a sharp part on the body to attack, usually on a tail

eg: Have you been stung by a bee? Yeah, I found a bee hive and my dad knocked it down. The bees flew out, and chased me. I got stung on the head.

firefly – an insect that can light up at night.


I tried to do something (I didn’t do it)

I tried to go snowboarding in China.

I tried to go snowboarding in China, but the skii mountain was too far from Shanghai.

I tried something (I did do it)

I tried snowboarding in China.

I tried snowboarding in China, it was at a place near Beijing, but just a small mountain.

I’ve tried snowboarding in China.

I’ve tried snowboarding in China, it was fun.

I have done

I have eaten bee larva.

I have eaten a bee.

I did

I ate bee larva.

I ate a bee.