F2F Class Notes (Tony)


soak it for three or for hours.

Do you feet get sore?

yes, my feet get sore.

I don’t know the pages but the books have almost five chapters. – I don’t know how many pages are in the book, but it has almost five chapters.

3 & 4 – – 3 or 4

& – And

eg: Tony and Amy are having class. =  Tony & Amy are having class.

eg: I have class at 3 and 4 pm. = I have class at 3 & 4 pm.

How to explain Something:

We went to Zhu jia jiao, some old houses by the river with some good street food.

We went to Zhu Jia Jiao, some old houses by the river, and we ate some good street food there.

One time at Havasupai, a place with huge waterfalls in Arizona, I drank some fresh water out of the mountain wall.

There is a place called Huang Shan, a mountain in Anhui, there have tall and a lot of Pine Trees.

There is a place called Huang Shan, a mountain in Anhui, with a lot of tall Pine Trees

There is a place called Hainan, a city in China on an island, with a lot of tropical food.


there have / There is.    A place with…     A city with… a lot of people.


I WILL read that book.

I read (RED) this book yesterday.

I’m reading that book now. I’m not finished yet.

chapter – Chap Terr