F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I didn’t heard hear

Some university banned Christmas holiday, I think it’s a little ignorant.

corrode – to slowly wear away and degrade over time, through natural processes.

eg: Old phone batteries can corrode and become dangerous.

eg: That pipe is corroded and rusted, it’s gonna break soon.

wear down / away – to slowly lose size, from being used. losing material causes things to break and have holes.

eg: My shoes are really worn down, I need new ones.

bash – 1. to hit really hard 2. to insult or to make fun of sth. in order to make another thing seem better

eg: Stop bashing that painting, just because you didn’t paint it.

filter bubble – something that happens when people use the internet and only talk to people who are similar with them, and only read news that they probably already agree with

eg: Facebook causes a lot of filter bubbles to form. And people start to believe that everything they think is true. Because they are not exposed to any other ideas.