F2F Class Notes (Tony)


brew – to make a drink, by cooking or heating it. The drink may be hot or cold after you make it. Example: Coffee, Tea, Beer

eg: Can you brew a pot of coffee?

eg: My friend brews beer at Shanghai Brewery. (N. place)

eg: He can brew a pot of tea for you.

2. a mixture of different things

eg: A strange brew of jazz, classical, and bluegrass music. = (A strange mixture of jazz, classical, and bluegrass music.)

eg: There is a strange temple in Osaka, Japan it’s a brew of modern Japanese Style a Ancient Chinese style.  (Creative sentence, but acceptable for American English.)

eg: English is a brew of a few ancient languages, that’ why it’s so complicated sometimes. And can have many conflicting rules.

3. something brewing, (something cooking) (something happening or getting ready)

eg: We have a new deal brewing at the moment. If we can get them to sign the contract it will be ready to go.

eg: Chinese new year festivities are brewing, I saw them setting up booths and decorations everywhere in Shenzhen.


They need me to (do sth.     You do it)

They need to (do sth.    They do it)

I need them to ( do sth.)

I want them to (do sth. , but maybe they can’t do it, and that is ok.)

I want them to have dinner with me.

I want them to TAKE ME OUT to dinner.

They need me. (they can’t do the job without you)