F2F Class Notes (Tony)


put it behind you – to move one or forget about it.

crack (N) – when something is broken and there is a line or gap between the two parts.

eg: I have a crack on my tooth.

eg: My tooth is cracked. (ADJ)

case – a protective outside part, that covers something

eg: Your iphone case is broken.

pharmacy – a store where you ca buy medicine

eg: You can find that medicine in the pharmacy next door.

incident – an unexpected and usually unpleasant thing that happens

eg: An incident happened at the store where I live. A customer slipped on the floor and broke her arm.

haul – to carry, usually a lot of weight.

eg: I have to haul all my books to my other apartment.

eg: Let’s haul ass and get out of here quickly.

unauthorized – without permission

eg: The unauthorized sellers will be shut down.

wrap – to cover something with a material, like paper, plastic, or other

eg: Can you wrap this gift I got for Cassie?

eg: Are you going to eat that meat? It has been sitting out on the table unwrapped all day. It’s not safe to eat raw meat like that.


