F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Milo and Otis: Great family movie about pets.

(Chinese movie title) the mission of a dog – (English Movie) a Dog’s purpose

crown (N.) – 1. a thing kings and queens wear on their head.  ,./!”””’   2. a thing you put on the top of your tooth, if part of it is gone.

eg: Cassie wears the crown at her home, she is the Queen of her castle.

eg: Tony got a crown on 2 of his teeth.

apostrophe –    ‘      1. Use an apostrophe, to show Possession, (Cassie’s)

eg: You forgot to put an apostrophe.


Grammar to Never make a mistake with:


2 Cup  – 2 cups,    5 cats,    18 people, 10 children

A/ The – We have to specify in English, How many, or Which one?

Give me that phone.   Give me a phone. Give me the phone, this phone, your phone, my phone, his phone, Give me the time( What time it is 12:00)


UNLESS: it is uncountable.

Give me beer.   Give me time. (they should wait)    Give me space.     I need water.