F2F Class Notes (Tony)


The H, in hour, is silent. So, it sounds like, Our.

before I was a childrenwhen I was a child

I talk a lot – I talked a lot

until now I talk a lot – now I still do

I don’t anymore

Walking is healthy / Walking is good for you

When I was a kid, I loved to ride bikes.

When I was a kid, I loved to ride bikes, now I still do.

When I was a kid I loved to walk/go for a walk, now I still do.

Where is your favorite place to do yoga?

My favorite place to do yoga is in the yoga studio.

silent – can not hear it

eg: Yolanda is never silent, she is always talking.

bakery – a place that makes baked things, like bread

eg: You should try this bakery called, “Wheat and Baker” they have good bread and coffee. There is one downstairs in the 1778 place.

break-in – make something more comfortable, by using it, Because it is too new.

eg: I need to break-in these shoes.

eg: These shoes are not broken in.

size – how big or small sth. is, especially for clothes and shoes

eg: I wear size 37 shoes.

Do you think those shoes will fit me?

I don’t think they’ll fit you.

fur – animal hair

eg: There is too much fur inside these shoes, so I need a bigger size. They don’t fit me.

fit – the right size for you

eg: This shirt doesn’t fit.

eg: I don’t think they will fit you.

socks – something you wear on your feet. you wear them under your shoes

eg: Socks don’t look good, with these shoes.