F2F Class Notes (Tony)

How to describe something:

NOUN – a Person, Place or Thing

VERB – Something you DO.


at present now I have nothing to do

it will take me too long, to finish the project

she pushed me to do the plan project

she pushed me to make the plan by Friday

make a plan

follow a plan

I bought 3 pairs of contacts glasses you put into your eyes

contact lenses

it they made me feel uncomfortable. / they are uncomfortable

it makes me feel uncomfortable when strangers stare at me

my father told warned me

I will act as a normal child when I’m a good kid / when I’m being good

birth certificate – a legal document which shows when and where you were born.

eg: I’m worried about losing my birth certificate.

back out – to not do, something you agreed to do.

eg: The professor will be upset if I back out of the project.