F2F Class Notes (Tony)


a short clip

a short video

qualify – to meet certain things in order to be able to do something

eg: What qualifies you to be able to do surgery?   Well, I am a doctor, I went to school to get qualified to do surgery.

eg: They are both qualified to do the job.

qualifications (N) – things you have or have earned which allow you to do or get something

eg: He has the best qualifications for the job.

eg: The job requires certain qualifications.

TV Show, Kevin Can wait, Season 2 episode 12. 1:00

U: let me get this straight, you really didn’t get me a gift?

you’re kidding right?

Kevin: no, you said we weren’t exchanging

U: but I thought we were doing the thing….. where we say we’re not getting gifts but we do anyway

Kevin: you thought wrong

U: well, still, I got you one

Kevin: I don’t want it

U: it’s a gift, you gotta take it

Kevin: says who?

U: says, the rules

look, I got you one, now I want mine

Kevin: take the one you’re gonna give me, and give it to yourself.

U: I don’t want golf balls

btw , I got you golf balls